Breeding Program at Eagles Run Ranch
Our breeding program is focused on producing high performing, structurally correct Murray Grey breeding stock for both
purebred and commercial cattle operations. We follow several basic principles to help us achieve our production goals:
1. Measure, record and evaluate performance traits for all cows, bulls and calves. This forms the basis on which many decisions are made.
2. Ensure optimum health of all cattle including complete documentation of all health practices.
3. Wean 95-100% of each calf crop. We achieve this through stringent vaccination and health programs as well as by the appropriate selection of bulls and breeding heifers.
4. Continuous improvement of the stock through selective AI, embryo implant and bull selection. Genetics and production gains outweigh the additional cost and effort to use AI and embryo implants.
5. Selection of sires that complement the cow herd's maternal strengths.
6. For the females, focus on fertility, reproduction and maternal traits. "Reproductive traits are considered ten times more important than product
traits (yield grade, quality grade, and so on) and five times more important than production traits
(weaning weight, yearling weight)."